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英国外籍人员子女学校IB中心 BISS IB ACADEMY

以学生需求为导向的设计—Shanghai British School IB Academy

Shanghai British School IB Academy 作为学校高年级专属的区域承载着学生全天不同时段的学习生活和方式。IB高年级学生由于课程更接近与大学,学生有许多自主选择以及空余时段,他们大多选择在IB Academy内完成自习、升学辅导、项目协作以及休闲讨论等功能。在设计的初期项目引入了4位学生参与讨论,讨论他们心中理想的IB Academy 会要具备是那么样的特质,灵活以及私密同时提供专属感这3大主题是学生非常向往的空间元素

Student-driven Design – Shanghai British School IB Academy

The IB Academy at Shanghai British School is an exclusive area for the upper grades to carry the students’ learning life and style at different times throughout the day; IB seniors have many options and free time as the curriculum is closer to university, and they choose to spend most of their time in the IB Academy for self-study, college counseling, project collaboration, and They choose to spend their time in IB Academy for self-study, college counseling, project collaboration, and casual discussion. In the early stages of the design project, four students were invited to discuss the qualities of their ideal IB Academy, and the three main themes of flexibility and privacy while providing a sense of exclusivity were highly desired elements of the space.

项目地点 Location

上海 Shangha

项目类别 Category

室内设计 Interior

建筑面积 Floor Area

460 sqm